In many ways, comfort boils down to customization. A consumer wants the freedom to move into just the right position — and not be strained in the process. GeMinG understands that better than anyone, which is why we have an impressive selection of electric actuator options ideal for home automation manufacturing. Home furniture actuators make it possible to move with ease until perfectly comfortable. As automated technology becomes more commonplace in the home, original equipment manufacturers and furniture retailers are more inclined to provide electric actuators.
The mechanical technology contained in the electric push rod for furniture makes the furniture more flexible and flexible. Through the low-voltage DC motor, the electric linear actuator can effectively control the movement of the swing, helping the furniture to adjust the lift, tilt, tension, or thrust. .
Introduce several examples of furniture applications:
In many ways, comfort boils down to customization. A consumer wants the freedom to move into just the right position — and not be strained in the process. GeMinG understands that better than anyone, which is why we have an impressive selection of electric actuator options ideal for home automation manufacturing. Home furniture actuators make it possible to move with ease until perfectly comfortable. As automated technology becomes more commonplace in the home, original equipment manufacturers and furniture retailers are more inclined to provide electric actuators.
Leisure chair / sofa
Whether it is a daily consumer or a user with limited mobility, the electric push rod system can effectively expand the various functions of the lounge chair to meet the special needs of different users. The most basic design features can be laid down comfortably with a simple button; the more complex modular unit allows the seat to be easily and safely adjusted to an upright position, helping users with reduced mobility to stand easily. These flexible adjustments are closer to the needs of the user. .
Leisure bed
The electric push rod system used in the leisure bed can be adjusted by different position (head, back, foot) to achieve customized settings, improve sleep quality, relax the body muscles, or read in bed in a comfortable posture. Watch TV and let the bed be used more.
The control box is a type of smart hubs that can be used to adjust a variety of linear hubs that can be used to adjust a variety of linear actuator applications. Heavy machinery from Hospitals and offices to wastewater treatment facilities, industrial automation and agricultural and construction engineering. These areas use GeMinG control boxes to benefit from linear actuator systems or solutions. The GeMinG control box helps ensure smooth, safe, low-power, low-noise motion and Some of the control devices are made of environmentally friendly materials and are designed for easy assembly and installation. Some GeMinG linear actuators are equipped with a control box integrated into the linear actuator itself. This makes sense for adjustable comfort furniture That is limited in space or harsh in the outdoor environment and that requires waterproof or dustproof.