Position: GeMinG > Lifting column > HTEM5 Five-section lifting column



Lifting column

Industrial Agriculture Industry Application

HTEM5 series electric lifting pole is a new type of light-load electric lifting column developed by GeMinG. The electric lifting mode abandons the ordinary pneumatic lifting mode. This electric lifting column is not affected by the environment, resources and temperature. It works in all-weather and all-weather conditions. It can also be manually operated when there is no electricity. . Its characteristics include larger pipe diameter matching, stronger wind resistance and stability. Non-rotatable, better guarantee the orientation of the equipment, self-locking at any height. It can be controlled by PC or by remote control.
Product Features
Motor options: AC motor, stepper motor, servo motor
Voltage: 24~48V DC or 220V, 380V AC
Maximum self-locking force: 1,000N/Limited to thrust
Maximum load: 800N/Limited to thrust
Maximum tension: 500N/Maximum tension
The fastest speed at full load: 2.5 M / min (load 500N)
The slowest speed at full load: 1.5 M/min (load 800N)
Minimum retracted height: There are three types:
Minimum retracted height: 1.52M, 1.77M, 2.25M
Expanded maximum height: 5.0M, 6.0M, 8.0M
Dynamic lateral torque: 150Nm
Static lateral moment: 250Nm
Color: customized
Safety certification: comply with ISO9001-2008, working temperature range:
Operating temperature range: +5 ° C ~ + 45 ° C
Storage temperature range: -35 ° C ~ + 85 ° C
Protection level: IP65
Tube material: 6063 aluminum,
Pipe size: maximum pipe 147*147/minimum pipe 64*64
Work control options: electric control, manual control, synchronous control, independent control

HTEM5 Series 负载 ±10%(N) 速度 ±2(m/S)
最大负载(N) 800 500
空载速度(M/MIN) 1.8  3.0 
负载速度(M/MIN) 1.5 2.5
HTEM5 Series 行程 ±2(m) 缩回长度 ±2(m)
标准行程(M) 4.75 4.23 5.75
缩回高度(M) 1.25 1.77 2.25
展开高度(M) 5.0  6.0  8.0 
产品重量(KG) ≈78 ≈85 ≈100
工程圖 规格標準尺寸 (mm)
Lifting column Lifting column Lifting column Lifting column Lifting column Lifting column Lifting column Lifting column Lifting column Lifting column
型號代碼選項規律: HTEM5 - 电机类型 - 电压- 速度 - 行程 - 缩回最小高度 / 伸出最高高度 - 负载 - 安装方式

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